Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 - Load Test Tool Details

Scripting(Web test):

- Do we have Initialization section and Termination section for a user.(Ex: A user log in and does some set of action and log out from the web page. when a user enters the login and logout is done only once,the set of actions must be Iterated).

- Error Handling (Ex:If error occurs need to stop the iteration and continue with the next).

- How to include the custom messages to debug the script and display in the log. (Enhanced the code using Console.Writeln() but unable to see in the log).

- To suppress a particular dependent request instead of all the requests which are not required(Ex: some .gif, blocked contents etc).

A top-level request can appear to have failed because one of its dependent requests could not be found. This might indicate a problem with the Web application's HTML. These errors can be suppressed by disabling the ParseDependentRequests property on the request.

- Log window options such as to enable/disable during the test run.

- Functions related to build the dynamic form data for a request.
Please share more details on the above point.

- How to extract data when a response page consists of multiple frames.

- Parameterization: If we select the random username from the data source file, then how to retrieve the corresponding password of the username.
If both username & password are picked up from same datasource then corresponding password will be select with random username automatically.

- If we enhance the code in .cs filethen how to .webtest should get reflected.
It is not supported, since both are different files.

Execution(Load test):
- Can we limit the number of users per Load Agent(Ex: To execute 1000 users, can we distribute 500users from each LA instead of 1000 from a single LA).

You can use the Test Agent property called weighting to distribute the load.

Test Agent Property Description
Weighting Used to distribute load when you use test agents with different performance levels. For example, a test agent with a weighting of 100 receives two times the load as a test agent with a weighting of 50.

Please find below the link for more information on changing the test agent settings:
Changing the Settings for a Test Agent

- Do we have any options to Ramp down the users?
There are no built-in support for this, but one can write custom load test plug-in for ramp down users, please refer below link for more information:

- Can we dynamically increase/decrease the user load during the test run.

- How can we generate the automated report with graphs.

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