Global software major Wipro Technologies has set up a virtual innovation centre for testing services on Second Life, the popular virtual world, the IT bellwether said Thursday. The innovation centre, a replica of the original lab at our campus in the electronics city will provide a one-stop virtual view of our Internet Protocol (IP)-powered solutions, the company said in a statement. Second Life is a free three-dimensional virtual world where users can socialise, connect and create using voice and text chat.
Developed by Cognizant's Testing practice, the platform will facilitate ideation, catalyze knowledge sharing, and showcase testing innovations that help reduce testing effort, time, and cost, while improving quality. It will also enable statistical validation of the significance and adaptability of innovations to testing projects. Cognizant has also established an innovation council comprising technology and business experts to evaluate and provide further direction to ideas emerging from this platform. "We congratulate Cognizant on the launch of this innovation platform," said Mohammad Zahoor. "We are happy to have partnered with Cognizant's Testing practice in setting up PEMCO's testing center, which won Computerworld magazine's Laureate Award for the year 2009. Even in the face of a tight release schedule, Cognizant proactively volunteered to reduce testing cycle-time, applied the Lean Six Sigma methodology, optimized testing efforts at PEMCO, and supported us in completing the overall test cycle on schedule."
"In times of significant structural changes in the economy, business, IT, and quality assurance have become synergized value platforms to build competitive advantage for businesses," said R Chandrasekaran, President and Managing Director, Global Delivery, Cognizant. "Be it integrating disparate platforms, reducing the time-to-market, or enhancing customer experience of applications, organizations are increasingly looking at testing to address value gaps for increasing productivity, optimizing effort, and reducing cost.
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