Sunday, February 28, 2010

Measurement of AJAX Based applications

Measurement of AJAX Based applications

Many times the applications are coming up with AJAX Based interface. The usual tools do not address the issues related with the rendering time which an application takes as load testing measure only on the network side.
Can you please tell me that how do you guys address this issue?


Great to see this post! I do agree that load testing AJAX applications can give you performance measurements that don’t reflect the real user behavior. Especially Microsoft browsers IE6 and IE7 struggle with AJAX and JS. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox or better in dealing with AJAX. The issue with load test tools is that these measure browser traffic and do not take into account the rendering of the page on client side. The rendering can – in some cases – take way longer than the actual HTML response. Development organizations should be aware of the issues around AJAX and IE as a different way of programming might fix these issues. To answer your question how to take the rendering into account using Load Test tools….. that will be difficult. One option could be to develop the same load test scripts with a functional test tool (GUI Base) and execute these in parallel with your load tests. The GUI tool can give you the exact performance measurements including the rendering of the pages.
I’m afraid no easy solution is available. Hope there will be more replies on your post.


AJAX is a key area that load testing misses he critical client time.
However if a page was complex and difficult render in the browser that time is also skipped. Tradition has load script just add a "think time " included render and other operations.

One workaround if can generate the correct server interactions and are happy that your server load is a good approximation. Then hand time a real session and ensure good interactive and AJAX performance.


SOA Testing Tools & Best Practices

- SOA Testing Tools & Best Practices -

- Blog on soatesting -

- SOA Testing—From QA's Worst Nightmare to Automated Simplicity

- Free SOA Testing Book Download

- Which SOA Testing Tool?

- SOA Testing Tools for Black, White and Gray Box SOA Testing Techniques - ... ay_box.php

- Pillars of SOA Testing By Rizwan Mallal ... p-R-Millal

- What is SOA test? Parasoft SOAtest 5.5 has a notion ... -a-notion/

- Better Software Magazine Cover Article: Breaking Ground on SOA - How to Build and Test your First Web Service ... p?fn=cifea

- Compress SOA Lifecycle through Development and QA Collaboration

- Introduction to MTOM: A Hands-On Approach

- Software Magazine: Watch your SOA Testing Blind Spots ... ck_wp2.pdf

- Getting Started with SugarCRM Web Services using SOAPSonar ... tarted.pdf

- Testing NetWeaver Application Server, Java EE 5 Edition ... b04b463c62

- Web Services Testing Essentials ... _tools.php

- Identity Bridging Techniques across SOA-based Business Services Networks ... SOA_v1.pdf

- Reducing SOA Identity Fatigue through Automated Identity Testing ... igueWP.pdf

More about Cloud

In today's newsletter, I could see that many references are being made to
Cloud Computing and how many big companies are trying to leverage it:

Google's Chrome OS: Reaching for the Cloud

There is another article on interview the Google CEO, in which he talks
about the where the internet is heading and how the business around will
take it. Also, also since Google is planning to launch its own OS which will
be enabling the cloud computing, a very different from what Microsoft has
been following till date!

A lot more virtual lifestyle based on a personal mobile which will almost
act like a Personal Assistant.

Google's view on the future of business

"So this vision of nearly infinite computing power, network power, and these
powerful devices is the basis of the next generation of computing."

"There will be a new kind of application and it will be personal. It will
run on the equivalent of your mobile phone. It will know where you are via
GPS, and you will use it as your personal and social assistant. It will know
who your friends are and when they show up near you. It will remind you of
their birthdays. It will entertain you. It will warn you of impending
threats and it will keep you up to date. It will use all of that computing
power that's in the cloud, as we call it."

"When the network becomes as fast as the processor, the computer hollows out
and spreads across the network."

- Eric Schmidt, 1993

An evaluation of HTTP statistics tools

Hi All,

We have evaluated following tools, I hope the following table by the team would be a good reference.





Response time spilt up for each request(component wise)




Bytes Transferred




Browser render time(Separate Measurement)




Time to Last byte




Time to first byte




End User Response Time




Network Latency Breakup




Filtering Urls




Javascript Profiling




Allowing Breakpoints Depending on type of Methods




Page Source of Request




Binary View of the Request




HTML view of the request




Decompressing Incoming Request




Save recorded sessions




*"Waiting for response" given by Firebug corresponds to

  • time for the request to travel from the browser to the server
  • plus time for the request to be processed by the server (ie, time to generate the whole page)
  • plus time for the first byte of data travelling from the server to the browser.

Firebug reports DNS Lookup, Connecting time,Queing time,Waiting for response, Recieving Data, DOMContentLoaded, load.

  • HTTPWatch Reports the following properties of the request

Elapsed Time

Network Round Trips

Downloaded Data

Uploaded Data

HTTP Compression Savings

DNS Lookups

TCP Connects

  • In HTTPWatch the TimeChart tab gives the Network breakup and shows Blocked, Send, Wait, Receive,TTFB,Network times.With licensed version of HTTPWatch, HTTPWatch Professional we can get the TimeChart tab enabled.
  • Filtering traffic from specific url is possible in HTTPWatch and Fiddler but that feature is not there in Firebug.

Thanks to Sarvani, Pramod for their research.

Capgemini Australia has acquired software testing company Nu Solutions

Capgemini Australia has acquired software testing company Nu Solutions. The firm, which has 75 consultants in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, and Dublin, Ireland, will be integrated into our existing business to form a division called Capgemini Testing Services. This move will bring us closer to Nu Solutions’ client base – 75 percent of which is in the financial sector – including the Australian Government. We are now the leading player in software testing services in Australia. And the global market is growing; analyst Nelson Hall predicts it to be worth US$38 billion (€26 billion) by 2012


Very Important Subject....especially for those who love to cook and eat ONIONS!!!!!!


In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.

Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)

The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.

If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case.

Whatever, what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:


Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers’ story but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill. I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs sure enough it happened just like that the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.

This is the other note.


I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, and sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later.

Now with this info, I have changed my mind will buy smaller onions in the future.

I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.

Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.

The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.

Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially-made Mayo is completely safe.

"It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.

Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.

He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator.

It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!).

Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.

So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I (the author) am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'

Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions. Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infections because of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning.

Please pass it on to all you love and care.


Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.
How are we going to do this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Harvard Business Review: Getting Offshoring Right

Hello All:
Please find another article which has been written by the Infosys folks from HBR press. Being a part of the service Industry, it can really help us to guide that what are the things we should be proposing to client on Right shore according to the value and criticality of various processes. Slowly and slowly, we can surely move with a client on providing higher value services by building a trusted relationship. Overall, you will find it a good read.

Services Blueprinting

This article describes one technique—service blueprinting—that has proven useful for service
innovation. Service blueprinting is securely grounded in the customer's experience and it allows
the clear visualization dynamic service processes. The technique is described in detail in the
paper including real case examples that illustrate the value and breadth of its applications. Case
studies include:
• Yellow Transportation
• ARAMARK's Parks and Resorts
• Marie Stopes International
• San Francisco Giants

These cases illustrate how service blueprinting can be successfully applied for the following
• Providing a platform for innovation
• Recognizing interdependencies among people and functions in delivering service
• Facilitating both strategic and tactical innovations
• Designing moments of truth
• Visualizing and understanding the customer's experience
• Transferring and storing innovation knowledge
• Creating ideal experiences
• Clarifying competitive positioning

Guidelines for a service blueprinting workshop based on Arizona State University's Center for
Services Leadership programs are provided along with detailed insights for managers and

Performance Testing of IVR Systems- An Approach

Hi All,
I request you to read this interesting article on the
topic'Performance Testing of IVR Systems- An Approach' by Shashikiran
H / Ankita Jain

Please find the link

We appreciate your thoughts and comments….


Diagnostics Setup on a Tomcat Apache Linux Server

# ----- Execute The Requested Command -----------------------------------------



JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xbootclasspath/a:/var/tmp/Diagnostics/lib/probeagent.jar -javaagent:/var/tmp/Diagnostics/lib/probeagent.jar -agentpath:/var/tmp/Diagnostics/lib/x86-linux/"


Automation Frameworks

e details 4/16/09

ZenSoft claims it to be Fourth Generation framework, then how it is different from Third Generation Framework which is basically Keyword driven?

Why do we need Solution Archtects?

Why do we need Solution Archtects?
Submitted by Andrew Winterburn on 02 Apr 2009

Problem statement
Only 29% of software projects in large enterprises produced acceptable results that were close to agreed time and budget) . 53% were significantly over budget and schedule, and 18% did not deliver any usable result. The projects outside the 29% have an average budget overrun of 56%. (Standish, 2004) View image
Two big trends that have tremendous impact on enterprise grade solution development are:
o Globalization of software development
In ideal project people work close to each other and have an agreed upon way of working, any problems are quickly solved through personal contact. Through shared project experiences in the past there are is common understanding of the way the work is done. Once distributed development starts all the interpersonal alignment mechanisms of the ideal projects are effectively negated. (Herbsleb, 2007)
o Exponential increase in software complexity due to service orientation.
For every 25% increase of complexity in the business domain there is an increase of 100% in the software complexity for the systems that need to support that business. Because of the trend of service orientation there is much richer interdependency between business and especially in the software that now automates these interdepencies. If you plot it in a diagram it is clear that software complexity increases exponentially where business complexity increases lineairly. (Glass, 2002) (IfM and IBM, 2008)

Generally speaking the world is not good at doing IT projects and we are upping the ante by vastly increasing the complexity of the systems that need to support new business eco-systems!
A little segway into system oriented design
One of the major roadblocks on the way that leads to delivery success are the trenches between the professionals of different disciplines. In that respect the IT industry can learn a lot from the system oriented approach that was adapted by successful high-tech companies. These companies adopted wholistic R&D processes around integration teams instead of the stovepiped waterfall oriented approaches that they used earlier
This holistic approach is called system oriented as they look at the system as a whole instead of a bunch of products. The team needed to have a “T-Shaped” combination of skills. T-Shaped will be discussed later in this article.
By doing this they reduced time to market with 25% and development costs with 50%. Given the number of large programs that do R&D sort of activities by leveraging new technologies for business opportunities it is in our opinion worthwhile to apply this approach to large transformation and IT programs. (Iansiti, 1993)
What is the width of the solution delivery field?
In order to deliver solutions, within time and budget, that provide business value three different domains need to align. Traditionally these domains have evolved separately into different disciplines with separate methods, tools, knowledge and, more important separate roles in projects:
o Understanding of the Business Needs & Problems
The typical domain of Business Analysis: The set of tasks, knowledge, and techniques required to identify business needs and determine solutions to business problems. Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement or organizational change. (IIBA, 2006)
o The application of engineering on the IT Solution
The typical domain of System Engineering: The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. (IEEE, 2004)
o And last but not least, the management of solution delivery
The typical domain of Project Management: the discipline of planning, organizing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. (PMI, 2008)
In order to get a solution out within budget and time all these knowledge areas need to be successfully applied in an integrated fashion. Because of the reasons described earlier, the separation of domains within solution delivery and therefore the non-holistic way in which projects are governed has become an ever increasing hurdle for successful solution delivery. This issue is one the main driving factors in the rise of the solution architect, who is positioned as a major player in project governance.
Enter the solution architect
While project managers remain the primary role for managing solution delivery, architects will play an increasing role in leading projects – like construction architects, who remain at the side of the project leaders until completion of the building – ensuring quality, usability and time to market. This, holistic looking, role we call the solution architect.
The solution architect takes architectural, quality and feasibility responsibility for a given domain or system, integrating the views and capabilities of various groups of specialists.. It is the roles objective to make sure a solution is delivered that is acceptable for all the stakeholders. (it should leave them just not unhappy ;-)
In order to do this successfully, and form a well-balanced team with the project manager the solution architect should have a leading role on the Business Analysis domain and System Engineering, making sure that requirements, design and construction stay aligned and are feasible. Additionally he should have a supporting role in the project management domain, making sure that planning, resources, commitments and risk recognition stay in line with the solution under construction.
For a typical IT project his span of control will have to span across a great number of knowledge areas in order to be able to take responsibility for the solution’s architecture, quality and feasibility.
The solution architect is leading in:
o Enterprise Analysis, Requirements Elicitation, Requirements analysis & documentation , Solution Assessment & Validation (IIBA, 2006)
o Requirements, Design, Construction, Quality (IEEE, 2004)
While he’s supporting in:
o Requirements planning & Management, Requirements Communication (IIBA, 2006)
o Testing, Maintenance, Configuration management, Engineering Management, Engineering Process, Tools & Methods (IEEE, 2004)
o Project Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Communications Management, Risk Management, and Procurement Management (PMI, 2008)
The solution architect major deliverable is the integration of all delivery aspects during all phases of solution delivery. He is constantly striving for this integration taking actions in areas where he leads, initiating actions and decisions in areas where he’s supporting. The solution architecture is no longer the major deliverable. It has become his major tool for integration, as well as for recognizing potential misalignments.
This role is sometimes called systems architect but we think it does injustice to the fact this holistic architect is deeply involved in both business, management and technology.
Who can be a solution architect?
The following pictures describe the context of a solution for administrative systems. Within this context you see an example for a solution architect with a custom software background and who has developed a breadth of understanding across all the domains the need to be aligned for project success. The deep knowledge of custom software is the vertical bar of the “T”, the wide knowledge across the domains is the horizontal bar of the “T”. Hence he/she has become a “T-Shaped” professional.

Coming from undergraduate or graduate level a professional needs years of maturing to understand there is more to reality than just their current role or discipline. The nice thing though, there is no perfect discipline from which a solution architect should come. Any discipline like engagement management, packages, business analysis, custom software, infrastructure is fine.
What should be a personal driver behind this is an authentic interest in the other people and their disciplines and the willingness and ability to align very different individuals whose world is sometimes very small compared to the real problems at hand.
Anton van Weel & Wiebe Wiersema
Glass, R.L. (2002) Sorting Out Software Complexity. communications of the ACM, 45(11), pp. 19-21.
Herbsleb, J.D. (2007) The future of Socio-technical Coordination. In Future of Software Engineering FOSE'07. IEEE.
Iansiti, M. (1993) Real-World R&D: jumping the Product Generation Gap. Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 139-47.
IEEE (2004) Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. IEEE
IfM and IBM (2008) Succeeding through service innovation: A service perspective for education, research, business and government. Cambridge, United Kingdom: University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing.
IIBA (2006) Business Analysis Body of Knowledge. International Institute of Business Analysis
PMI (2008) Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute
Standish Group (2004) CHAOS Report.Standish Group.

Leveraging cloud computing for Testing

Leveraging cloud computing for Testing

When users dont have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them, how to Leverage for Testing.
What would be the test strategy change for different types of testing
Is the effort going to reduce / increase for the same set of applicaiton(s) in cloud environment?
Similar thoughts and how to foresee and adopt for next generation projects having infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) concepts incorporated.

Good Question, Cloud Computing has its challenges, The real issues behind the lack of testing and subsequent performance problems are the cost and complexity of testing on this scale using legacy tools. Testing cloud applications and networks demands a wide mix of application traffic, current security coverage, and incredibly high-performance and throughput. Essentially, you need to create a realistic testing environment with an ever-changing mix of applications and increasingly sophisticated security attacks. That makes delivering high performance a moving target.

That’s part of the reason performance and load testing on an enterprise or Internet scale has always been so painful, inefficient and costly. Now, push this to the cloud and you can begin to see a hint of the challenges ahead. Consider the added dynamic of routine maintenance, patches and upgrades and the need to factor in the time to test how the patches and upgrades will impact performance.

Limited Options for Performance and Load Testing in the Cloud
Historically, vendors have been left with few options, most of which would erode the very value propositions that make cloud computing so attractive—cost savings and agility. You could purchase or rent hundreds of servers to emulate users and application traffic, buy a whole bunch of testing software, purchase a slew of applications, license security attacks, and tie it together with a bunch of custom scripting. Or you could contract with a testing service provider and wait for a test window. Unfortunately, it’s not just a one and done proposition. Networks and applications change.

No one is arguing that testing in a cloud-based environment isn’t complex. It’s about as challenging as it gets. I’m just saying that performance, security and load testing has been far too difficult and expensive for far too long. And, the time for change has been dramatically accelerated with the onset of cloud computing.

Traditional testing tools were simply not designed for this dynamic, complex and high performance computing environments, and haven’t evolved to keep pace. Even a heavy hitter like HP LoadRunner is considered past its prime for today’s market needs. Without radical change in the performance and realism of today’s testing products, what we continue to refer to "truth in testing", cloud vendors will continue to be stuck between a rock and a hard place leading to the ultimate FAIL of cloud computing. I mean, if Google can’t do it with their immense resources, can it be done?


Cloud testing does present configuration challenges. I don't think that cloud testing is impossible, but it does present challenges. A similar type of testing may be PTSN (Public Telephone Switching Network).

Telephone switch testing is somewhat similar to cloud testing, and has been done for many years.
Its a matter of breaking requirements down and making the tests for those requirements. End to end testing telephone switches is no inexpensive and easy task. As the technology changes, I am sure there will be some solutions that will satisfy the requirements.

Best practices for managing clustered test environments. (Enterprise Networking).

A good read on testing of the clustered environments:

"Today, companies are challenged to satisfy the business needs of demanding customers by providing quality applications and high levels of performance in an increasingly complex hardware and software environment. Pressure from strong competition and flat or shrinking IT budgets are compounding the situation. IT executives are searching for the best methods and tools to help them achieve the right balance between delivering reliability and performance for applications and systems that must be available 24x7.

One common solution for achieving this balance in supporting large scale, high-volume enterprise systems is to implement various clustering configurations that manage applications, hardware and databases effectively. Clustering is simply a way to physically and logically group hardware and software resources to work together as one system, and there are a variety of clustering configurations that allow for load balancing The fine tuning of a computer system, network or disk subsystem in order to more evenly distribute the data and/or processing across available resources. For example, in clustering, load balancing might distribute the incoming transactions evenly to all servers, or it might redirect them among the hardware, software and database resources. Clustering effectively improves processing efficiency and performance, while reducing operating costs operating costs nplgastos mpl operacionales , especially for large enterprise scale, mission-critical systems. "

Sahi vs Selenium vs Watir

Sahi vs Selenium vs Watir





Browser based




Browser type independent (IE, Firefox etc)

IE & FireFox



Scriptable/programmable (manageable/refactorable)


not natively, but using ruby

yes (uses javascript)



Only on Firefox.


Object spy



yes (hovering on any element,shows its accessor)

Simultaneuos playback of multiple scripts(reduces playback time)




Multiple domain support (go from to




Frames and popup support


has problems


Ant support (helps continuous integration)




Multi language (non-ascii character)support



HTTPS support

yes(Protocol independent)


Learning curve

Learn Ruby

Recorder reduces the need to write code.TextPad Clip Libraries can be used too.

Language of scripting

Ruby - not native to the browser

Ruby - not native to the browser

Javascript - native to the browser andhence easily extendable.

Web-app independent


no - needs to be deployed with app


OS Independent




Takeaway- "Cloud Computing: Balancing Economics & Innovation"-NASSCOM Friday's 2.0 Session

Hello All,

Below are the highlights of the "Cloud Computing" Session held at Infosys campus on 10th July.The session was led by Bhavin Raichura and Srini Prabhala, both from Infosys.

  • Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet
  • Concepts of private and public clouds
  • Different players in cloud computing services.Major service providers are Amazon,Microsoft,IBM,Google.
  • Types of services provided by these players
    • Infrastructure as a service
    • Platform as a service
    • Software as a service
    • Storage as a service
  • Economics of clouding computing

  • Risks involved in cloud computing
    • Crowded service providers space
    • Technology Platform,availability & maturity
    • Security,Data Privacy and Data Ownership

Visit the below link to gain more insight about the seminar


Vinay Singh

Thanks Vinay for sharing your thoughts. I am sending one more link in author is talking about challenges of load testing in the cloud environment.

Load Testing from the Cloud


If you’re going to use cloud instances as load engines with Load Tester, these are our recommendations:

  1. Use high-CPU instances to avoid physical cpu contention as much as possible
  2. Use more load engines to counteract bandwidth limitations
  3. Test your load engines before the test if you can, to spot any obvious problem engines
  4. Spread the load engines across availability zones and providers to increase independence
  5. Treat cloud-base load test results with some skepticism, and repeat the tests to increase accuracy
  6. Utilize low-bandwidth-usage time periods for cloud testing when you can
  7. Keep your cloud images on the same upgrade cycle as your other internet-facing servers.

CDN(Content Delivery Network)

Below are the highlights of the "CDN" Session

  • CDN(Content Delivery Network) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points(strategic locations) in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from users throughout the network. So that all the users will be served from their nearest CDN system, this reduces the number of hops to travel for the request and improves the response time by 20-30%.
  • Different players provides CDN service. Major service providers are Akamai Technologies, Amazon CloudFront etc.
  • Various components of CDN:

1. Web cache - Improves the response time by caching the most frequently used items

2. Load balancing - Optimizes resource utilization, maximize throughput and minimize response time

3. Dynamic Host Selection - This reduces the response time by selecting the nearest CDN system to serve the request.

  • Benefits of using CDN from performance prospective:

1. Increases the number of concurrent users

2. Reduces the response time by 20-30%

3. Optimizes the delivery of network

Innovation in the Testing Services Space

Global software major Wipro Technologies has set up a virtual innovation centre for testing services on Second Life, the popular virtual world, the IT bellwether said Thursday. The innovation centre, a replica of the original lab at our campus in the electronics city will provide a one-stop virtual view of our Internet Protocol (IP)-powered solutions, the company said in a statement. Second Life is a free three-dimensional virtual world where users can socialise, connect and create using voice and text chat.

Developed by Cognizant's Testing practice, the platform will facilitate ideation, catalyze knowledge sharing, and showcase testing innovations that help reduce testing effort, time, and cost, while improving quality. It will also enable statistical validation of the significance and adaptability of innovations to testing projects. Cognizant has also established an innovation council comprising technology and business experts to evaluate and provide further direction to ideas emerging from this platform.

"We congratulate Cognizant on the launch of this innovation platform," said Mohammad Zahoor. "We are happy to have partnered with Cognizant's Testing practice in setting up PEMCO's testing center, which won Computerworld magazine's Laureate Award for the year 2009. Even in the face of a tight release schedule, Cognizant proactively volunteered to reduce testing cycle-time, applied the Lean Six Sigma methodology, optimized testing efforts at PEMCO, and supported us in completing the overall test cycle on schedule."

"In times of significant structural changes in the economy, business, IT, and quality assurance have become synergized value platforms to build competitive advantage for businesses," said R Chandrasekaran, President and Managing Director, Global Delivery, Cognizant. "Be it integrating disparate platforms, reducing the time-to-market, or enhancing customer experience of applications, organizations are increasingly looking at testing to address value gaps for increasing productivity, optimizing effort, and reducing cost.

Physics of SAMPADA !

Basically Hot Iron plate is our Task and we are water drops . Can you ever imagine that will we ever be able to cool the plate by merely sprinkling water drops ?

Answer is obvious - If we will not merge so as to form a bucket of water , our task will not be accomplished .

We can keep jumping for sometime because, when a drop of water falls on a very hot iron plate , it gets insulated from the hot iron plate due to a thin layer of water vapour ( This vapour layer can be compared with our individual hope ) which is a bad conductor of heat . It takes quite long to evaporate as heat is conducted from hot plate to the drop through the insulating layer of water vapour very slowly .

Bibek Kumar Anand
Convener "SAMPADA"





Eye Opener: PANI RE PANI


Wish U and Your Family Happy Holi in advance J

May this Holi brings a lot of joy and happiness in our life.

Best wishes to you for a Holi filled with sweet moments and memories to cherish for long.