Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Need of Solutions Architect?

What makes a good architect

Here is brief from this lecture:
1) The first quality that we look for is the ability to quickly grasp complexity and simplify it. What we look for is whether the person is able to break it down to simpler steps that they can address and build a solution.
The second quality that we look for is to taking pride in the work, however small or big. In essence, interest in technology does not mean that it is meant for junior engineers only.
The third quality that is endearing to my team is the ability to “roll up your sleeves and get to work”. We never look for people who my team typically refers to as “powerpoint architects”.
The fourth quality we look for is attention to detail. Most of my team are typically connected to or work with a director or a VP level person in a client organization. Love to work at a detailed level along with having a bigger picture in hand

Why do we need Solution Archtects?
Submitted by Andrew Winterburn on 02 Apr 2009

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