Saturday, August 15, 2009

Innovation in IT service Companies

I am going throuhg this artcile which mentions that Symphony services are innovation based company. When I read this line, I felt that they are almost like any other who are typical outsourcers, but keep on showing on their websites that websites are they promote innovation in their delivery model. After reading through their website, I can that model which is being delpoyed in promoting innovation internally is definitely lot more mature than most of he service companies. That is why they have succedded in their efforts:
"Like the majority of info-tech companies, Symphony Services emphasizes innovation, but its outcome-based business model really forces it to deliver the goods. In the past 18 months, clients have accepted 2,000 ideas—ranging from improving processes to creating IP—and implemented 500; 33 ideas have been patented"
This seems that this is definietly a way out for the services( technology) companies to come out of regular low value chain works and prove tehmsleves what like many other product companies hhave proved themselves.

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