Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swami Vivekananda

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”
Author - Swami Vivekananda

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Author - Swami Vivekananda

“The goal of mankind is knowledge ... Now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside: it is all inside. What we say a man 'knows', should, in strict psychological language, be what he 'discovers' or 'unveils'; what man 'learns' is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge.”
Author - Swami Vivekananda

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nice Thought

In the garden of your heart, you must plant and foster the rose of Divinity, the jasmine of humility and the lily of generosity. In your medicine chest, you must keep in readiness, the tablets of discrimination, drops of self-control and three key powders of faith, devotion and patience. Through the use of these drugs, you can escape the serious illness called Ajnana (ignorance).

- Baba

Another Problem Caused By Deforestation:)

Darkest time of the day

Do you know that the darkest time of the day is the minute before
sunrise? .. . .
So when you feel you are at the darkest moment in your life,remember
that sunrise is just a minute away!

Troubles are like Washing Machine; They Twist, Turn & Knock us Around,
But in the End we come out Brighter Than Before.

Good Morning & A Great Day Ahead !

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ten Principles for Peace of Mind..

Ten Principles for Peace of Mind..
1. Do Not Interfere In Others' Business Unless Asked.
Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others' affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right direction, our direction. This thinking denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence of God.. God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act in exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because God within them prompts them that way. Mind your own business and you will keep your peace.
2. Forgive And Forget:
This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often develop ill feelings inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us. We nurture grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, development of stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure. This insult or injury was done once, but nourishing of grievance goes on forever by constantly remembering it. Get over this bad habit. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forgive,20Forget, and march on. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.
3. Do Not Crave For Recognition:
This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody without selfish motives. They may praise you today because you are in power, but no sooner than you are powerless, they will forget your achievement and will start finding faults in you. Why do you wish to kill yourse lf in striving for their recognition? Their recognition is not worth the aggravation. Do your duties ethically and sincerely.
4. Do Not Be Jealous:
We all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know that you work harder than your colleagues in the office, but sometimes they get promotions; you do not. You started a business several years ago, but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There are several examples like these in everyday life. Should you be jealous? No. Remember everybody's life is shaped by his/her destiny, which has now become his/her reality. If you are destined to be rich, nothing in the world can stop you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you anywhere; it will only take away your peace of mind.
5. Change Yourself According To The Environment:
If you try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are you will fail. Instead, change yourself to suit your environment. As you do this, even the environment, which has been unfriendly to you, will mysteriously change and seem congenial and harmonious.
6. Endure What Cannot Be Cured:
This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Every day we face numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations, and accidents that are beyond our control... If we cannot control them or change them, we must learn to put up with these things. We must learn to endure them cheerfully. Believe in yourself and you will gain in terms of patience, inner strength and will power.
7. Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew:
This maxim needs to be remembered constantly. We often tend to take more responsibilities than we are capable of carrying out. This is done to satisfy our ego. Know your limitations. . Why take on additional loads that may create more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding your external activities. Reduce your material engagements and spend time in prayer, introspection and meditation. This will reduce those thoughts in your mind that make you restless. Uncluttered mind will produce greater peace of mind.
8. Meditate Regularly:
Meditation calms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts. This is the highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it yourself. If you meditate earnestly for half an hour everyday, your mind will tend to become peaceful during the remaining twenty-three and half-hours. Your mind will not be easily disturbed as it was before. You would benefit by gradually increasing the period of daily meditation. You may think that this will interfere with your daily work. On the contrary, this will increase your efficiency and you will be able to produce better results in less time.
9. Never Leave The Mind Vacant:
An empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil actions start in the vacant mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your interest. You must decide what you value more: money or peace of mind. Your hobby, like social work or religious work, may not always earn you more money, but you will have a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Even when you are resting physically, occupy yourself in healthy reading or mental chanting of God's name.
10. Do Not Procrastinate And Never Regret:
Do not waste time in protracted wondering " Should I or shouldn't I?" Days, weeks, months, and years may be wasted in that futile mental debating. You can never plan enough because you can never anticipate all future happenings. Value your time and do the things that need to be done. It does not matter if you fail the first time. You can learn from your mistakes and succeed the next time. Sitting back and worrying will lead to nothing. Learn from your mistakes, but do not brood over the past. DO NOT REGRET. Whatever happened was desti ned to happen only that way. Why cry over spilt milk?

An overview about Batch Systems:

An overview about Batch Systems:

A major part of the workload on mainframe computers consists of batch processing. A large mainframe often will run several thousand batch jobs every day. This “network” of jobs represents a business workflow with complex interrelations requiring careful scheduling and prioritizing to ensure that all batch jobs run in the correct order and meet strict deadlines. Consequently, sophisticated systems have evolved to manage and run batch workloads— systems that “feel” mainframe-specific, with no obvious parallels in Windows®-based computing. Approached with the idea of migrating batch applications to the Windows operating system, most IT managers react with, “How can that be possible?” From another angle, many other people assume modern applications no longer require batch processing— an opinion that is completely wrong. The Windows operating system is quite capable of supporting the complex needs of batch applications as has been demonstrated by the many organizations that have migrated batch systems to the Windows platform. The continuing need for batch processing is illustrated by key Microsoft® products, such as BizTalk® Server, which support workflows very similar to those of mainframe batch systems.


Batch systems are collections of programs that run without interaction with users and with minimal interaction with a computer operator, where “minimal” means no more than the computer operator setting parameters at the start of a batch job and changing tapes or other data storage devices when prompted. Many of today’s batch systems automate these tasks so there is no interaction with humans unless something goes wrong. Most mature mainframe systems rely on batch jobs to perform significant portions of the total application logic. The types of tasks undertaken include:

• Merging the day’s transactions into master files

• Sorting data files for optimal processing the following day

• Merging data from multiple locations

• Providing daily, weekly, monthly, and annual reports

• Issuing daily, weekly, and monthly bills or invoices to customers

• Performing daily, weekly, biweekly, and monthly payroll calculations

• Consolidating multiple orders into single shipments and invoices

• Printing checks

• Performing special mailings

• Applying interest to financial accounts

• Batching orders for transmission to another company

• Performing backups

• Archiving data

• Auditing transactions and systems

Some companies may be able to survive for a day or two without running batch systems, but

most will find business operations degrading rapidly if the batch applications are not run.

Batch Components

The main components of the IBM mainframe batch ecosystem are:

• Job entry subsystem (JES)—queues and assigns jobs to initiators

• Initiator—responsible for running a job

• Job—one or more executable programs

• JCL—describes the job, including file name cross-references, executable commands, and

control flow, and provides control parameters to the JES

• Scheduler—schedules job start times, codifies dependencies between jobs and their runtime

requirements, and provides reporting and alerting capabilities

• Data files and databases

Calypso-An integrated tool for investment banking

Calypso is an investment banking tool used worldwide by many investment banks including, HSBC Bank, Calyon Bank ,investment banking arm of Credit Agricole Bank based out at Paris amongst others.

FX derivatives are changing constantly and becoming sophisticated. Tight integration with other desks is becoming necessary to handle large volumes of trade.

For Example booking a dual currency deposit needs a good integration between the FX derivatives and money market desks. Global books require an excellent regional and global trading operations. Calypso provides a trading system where a lot of products covering various asset classes can be traded actively and also it is open to new developments and enhancements involving sophisticated pricing measures.

Investment banking comprises of three major areas namely Front office, Middle Office and Back Office. Front office or Front desk in an investment bank can be defined as the desk responsible for booking of deals, closing of deals ,getting new clients for the bank. Examples of Front Office systems are Kondor + and Summit.

Middle Office is the desk responsible for calculating the risks involved in a particular deal. Looking at the present scenario after the last years Lehman Brother's bankrupt case, Risk Management is taking a vital role in functioning of an investment banks. Risk Managers who were not having a good portfolio earlier are now important functions in an investment bank.

Back Office is used for confirmations, message generations and reconciliations in an investment bank. Examples of Back Office systems are Calypso, Murex and Fidessa.

Simulating of Uploading of Documents

We have a web application and one of the functions is to upload files
using the regular "Browse" button. can this be achieved with the Web HTTP/HTML protocol. i do see that it records the value of "C:\\Documets\nameofdoc.pdf"
but when i run the script it does not really upload it?

all inputs are appreciated. Thanks
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google "LoadRunner" group.
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Asked many times. Yes, this can be accomplished in LoadRunner. How is
entirely dependent upon how your application works and what additional
protocols might or might not be employed as part of the upload. The
information provided is not really sufficient to give you a meaningful
answer, but here goes anyway
* You missed a correlation
* You are running your script on another PC which doesn't have access to the
file in the defined location
* You are violating a business rule on uploading the same file twice
* A second protocol is involved in the file transfer
* Custom programming is required to integrate the file with your script for
upload purposes
* You are executing a script under different credentials which doesn't have
access to the target file

A hilarious example of what bureaucracy can do .

A hilarious example of what bureaucracy can do .

A Team comprising of a Writer, a Producer, a Director, etc applied to the Government of India for financial assistance with the script to produce a Movie on Mahabharata.

Dated .....................

Subject: Mahabharata

To: The Writer, Film Director & Film Producer , Mumbai

Ref: Film story submitted by you, regarding financing of films by Government of India , Your letter dt. ............ . ......... .

The undersigned is directed to refer the above letter and state that the Government has examined your proposal for financing a film called''Mahabharat' . The Very High Level Committee constituted for this purpose has been in consultation with the Human Rights Commission , National Commission for Women and Labour Commission, in addition to various Ministries and State Governments and have formed definitive opinions about the script. Their observations are as below:

1. In the script submitted by you it is shown that there were two sets of cousins, namely, the Kauravas, numbering one hundred, and the Pandavas, numbering five. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has pointed out that these numbers are high, well above the norm prescribed for families by them It is brought to your kind attention that when the Government is spending huge amounts for promoting family planning , this will send wrong signals to the public. Therefore, it is recommended that there may be only three Kauravas and one Pandava.

2. The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs has raised an issue whether it is suitable to depict kings and emperors in this democratic age. Therefore, it is suggested that the Kauravas may be depicted as Honourable Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and the Pandava maybe depicted as Honourable Member of Parliament ( Rajya Sabha ). The ending of the film shows the victory of the said Pandavas over the said Kauravas. The ending may be suitably modified so that neither of the Honourable Members of Parliament are shown as being inferior to the other.

3. The Ministry of Science and Technology has observed that the manner of birth of Kauravas is suggestive of human cloning, a technology banned in India . This may be changed to normal birth.

4. The National Commission for Women has objected that the father of Pandavas, one Sri Pandu is depicted as bigamous, and also there is only one wife for the Pandavas in common. Therefore suitable changes maybe made in the said script so that the said Sri Pandu is not depicted as bigamous. However, with the reduction in number of Pandavas as suggested above, the issue of polyandry can be addressed without further trouble.

5. The Commission for the Physically Challenged has observed that the portrayal of the visually impaired character 'Dhritharastra' is derogatory. Therefore the said character may not be shown as visually impaired.

6. The Department of Women and Child Development have highlighted that the public disrobing of one female character called 'Draupadi' is objectionable and derogatory to women in general. Further the Home Ministry anticipates that depiction of such scenes may create law and order problem and at the same time invite strong protests from the different women forums. Such scenes may also invite penal action under SITA (Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act), therefore they may be avoided and deleted from the film.

7. It is felt that showing the Pandava and the Kauravas as gamblers will be anti-social and counter-productive as it might encourage gambling. Therefore, the said Pandava and Kauravas may be shown to have engaged in horse racing. (Hon. Supreme Court has held horse racing not to be gambling)

8. The Pandavas are shown as working in the King Virat's employment without receiving any salary. According to the Human Rights Commission, this amounts to bonded labour and may attract provisions of The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. This may be corrected at once.

9. In the ensuing war, one character by name Sri Abhim! anyu has ! been shown as fighting. The National Labour Commission has observed that, war being a hazardous industry, and the said character being 16 years old, this depiction will be construed as a case of child labour . Also there is no record of his being paid any compensation. This may also be deemed to be violatory of the provisions of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Such references in the film may be removed.

10. The character 'Sri Krishna' has been depicted as wearing a peacock feather. The peacock is our National Bird and wearing dresses made from peacock feather is an offence under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972. This may not be depicted.

11. Smt Maneka Gandhi has raised very serious objection for using any elephants or horses in war scenes, since there is every scope for mistreatment and injury to the said animals. The provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Act, 1960 would be applicable in the instant case. Suitable changes may be made in the script to address the objections raised.

12. In pursuance of the Memorandum of Ministry of Finance regarding austerity measures, it is informed that in the battle field sequences, only ten soldiers may be allowed for each side. Also, all the characters may be shown to have obtained a valid licence under the Arms Act, 1959 as well as the Indian Arms Act, 1878.You are therefore requested to modify the script along the lines indicated above and resubmit it to the undersigned at the earliest for reconsideration.


Under Secretary